InterElectronic enters Serbian market

    Főoldal / Cikkek / InterElectronic enters Serbian market
InterElectronic enters Serbian market

InterElectronic Hungary Ltd with headquarter in Budapest is pleased to announce that  with INTEON and with our Selected Partners entered the electronic industy market of Serbia. We can offer for Serbian market complette solutions for electronic industry members for SMT/THT technologies, for inspections etc. with 15 years experience in this field.

We are proud that our main services like sales consultance & service supports we can give to our new Partners on Serbian language which makes more comfortable and more professional all communications and bussines.

We had a good start with more installations this summer in grad Nis who has always been capital of electronics in Serbia.
Let's continue this way.

InterElectronic Hungary Ltd sa sedištem u Budimpešti sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje da su se sa INTEON-om i našim odabranim partnerima ušle u elektronsko tržište Srbije. Za srpsko tržište možemo ponuditi kompletna rešenja za članove elektronske industrije za SMT / THT tehnologije, za inspekcije itd. Sa 15 godina iskustva u ovoj oblasti.

Ponosni smo što naše glavne usluge, kao što su konsultacija i servisiranje, možemo pružiti našim novim partnerima na srpskom jeziku što čini udobnije i profesionalnije sve komunikacije i poslovanje.

Ovog leta smo imali dobar početak sa više instalacija u gradu Nišu, koji je oduvek bio glavni grad elektronike u Srbiji.
Nek nastavimo ovako.